Ocean Series
In the Ocean Series, my objective is to create the force and atmosphere of the waves out on the sea. The weather, light and time of day change constantly bringing a different mood to the paintings. I am responding to the energy of the surf and the painting process is quicker with more energectic strokes of color that correspond with the water and surf. The brushes and tools used in these pieces are larger and used in a way to emulate the undulating and energetic surf.
Breeze, 36x36 oil on canvas, $3200
Splash, 36x36 oil on canvas, $3200
Fresh Air
Fresh Air, 36x36 oil on canvas, $3200
Dawn Light
Dawn Light, 36x36 oil on canvas, SOLD
Joyful Splash
Joyful Splash, 36x48 oil on canvas, $3800
Tranquility, 36x48 oil on canvas, $3800
Timeless Tide
Timeless Tide, 36x48 oil on canvas, $3800
Approaching Tide
Approaching Tide, 36x48 oil on canvas, $3800
Beneath the Surf
Beneath the Surf, 36x60 oil on canvas, SOLD
Rising Tide
Rising Tide, 36x60 oil on canvas, $4000
Meditation in Motion
Meditation in Motion, 36x48 oil on canvas, $3800